Tell tale signs that you are a cryptocurrency addict if you score 3 or more below:

  1. You refuse to click on this drop down menu on this website
  2. You get sent this link by text or email by a loved one or significant other
  3. You go into the toilet , lock the door , check for security cameras and open this link they sent you
  4. You refresh Coin Market Cap hourly
  5. You no longer watch (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) online
  6. You get a crypto tattoo where no one would ever look except you in the mirror
  7. You want to name your new born child after a meme coin
  8. You relentlessly try to convince your significant other that Shiba Inu (or any Inu shitcoin ) will pay off your mortgage and give you financial freedom
  9. Your best friend is Wozak on YouTube and you still have his rugged pulled Wozack meme coin in your wallet
  10. You have turned yourself into a Metaverse meme to hang out with “like minded people” who can love and appreciate you for who and what you really are
  11. When the front door bell rings you dive out the bathroom window to avoid the debt collectors
  12. You sign credit card and loan applications with your left hand so you can argue that it is not your signature in court
  13. You turned up to yesterday’s party today
  14. Your debit card was cut up with scissors when you tried to pay for small chips at McDonalds
  15.  Your idea of a romantic candlelight dinner is 2 minute noodles while watching crypto charts on a Tuesday night
  16. You have subleased your 4 m2 balcony in your studio apartment to an overseas student so you can buy more Dogecoin
  17. You are known as “Crypto2theMoon” in chat rooms
  18. Crypto Academy World refunded your $30 for a month of Crypto Gym and banned you for life
  19. You scored 3 or more out of 18 on this quiz and then you wiped your phone / internet history, pretending this never happened
  20. You still refuse to get professional help, because you do not have a problem . . . as it is the centralised banking system . . . that is trying to deny you the life you have always wanted and deserve (That online marketers have convinced you when you paid them $15,000 upfront for their 48 hour Millionaire Maker Crypto Laptop Lifestyle Financial Emancipation Program)Â