
Mastering your mindset is one of the keys for successful cryptocurrency investment.
FUD, FOMO, REKT, PND and JOMO are just some of the emotions that must be managed and avoided wherever possible.
The crypto currency market at times be very highly paced and volatile.
It is important that you be aware of the current market conditions and like driving a car, drive in accordance to the conditions and always keep and eye on your dashboard instruments.
Cryptocurrency investment can be very profitable, however there are associated risks.
For risk management and profitability performance, the Crypto Academy has:
Financial Safety Policies
Investment Systems and Processes
Macro to Micro Research
Model for Value and Opportunity
5 Point Rating System
Live Investment Room
Why Research Reports
Profiling System
Personalized one on one investment sessions
Peak Performance one on one sessions
A 12 month Investor Plus++
Performance Assurance
Rewards Program paid in Bitcoin that could potentially surpass the outlay of the Investor Plus++ Program
Our Evolutionary Investment Process
Step 1 – Free HODL Program
This will be able to get underway in your cryptocurrency journey with live education and support.
You shall be introduced to the intricate working of our Research Model , our 5 Point Rating System and our “Why Reports”
Step 2 – 30 Day Portfolio Program
You receive a $AUD10,000 simulation account to invest for 30 days in simulation.
Once you are investing consistently and safely, you can make your choice when to invest with real money.
The Journey Program is a month-to-month program.
The upfront payment is all inclusive for the first 30 days and then your monthly subscription is paid either:
monthly in advance or
weekly by direct debit.
Step 3 – Investor Plus++
Pro Plus++ is for those who are serious about investing in cryptocurrency.
Investor Plus++ is our Premiere Program, comes with a 12 month performance assurance, in accordance to the size of your trading account.