Terms and Conditions for Pro Plus++

The cost of $998 includes





Live Trading Room (LTR)

Trade Alerts and Indicators

Coffee and Crypto

12 month term and then coverts to a month to month (payable $259 in advance each month of $59.95 weekly by direct debit or repeating credit card payment

AVAILABLE OPTION 30 Days Money Back Guarantee (see conditions later)

12 month income assurance (see conditions later)

To do Pro Plus++ must have:

  • completed at least 1 month Academy Program (preferably 3 months) AND
  • submitted a signed declaration of competency form


  • demonstrated previous trading skill and competency in another asset class, had a 1 on 1 interview with an approved representative of The Academy and received a written approval and acceptance to enrol in Pro Plus++ enabling The Academy Program to be waived and entry granted straight into Pro Plus++


  • Completed and submitted the Notice of Intention to Trade Live Form
  • Minimum of $2,000 for a trade account (preferably $5,000)
  • If granted access to Pro Plus without having to do Academy Program trade in simulation for the first 30 days or submit an Intention to Trade Live Form

Money Back Guarantee

Must completed at least 30 days in Academy Program or if granted exemption and direct access into Pro Pluss++ after written approval from The Academy


  • Only Trade on Swyftx
  • Only Trade Academy Trade Alerts and Indicators
  • Must trade in accordance to Academy Financial Safety Policy
  • Must trade a consistent capital amount for the month as nominated in the Notice of Intent to Trade Live Form
  • Must trade a minimum of 24 days in the month and a non trading day direction by the Academy is counted in the 24 day minimum requirement

Money Back guarantee is for 30 days.

If they have not made a profit of more than the capital introduced as per the Notice of Intent to Trade Live Form then they get 100% money back


They can have another 30 days at no cost to them – should they choose that option then after 60 days there is no money refunded

The Academy has the right to have an independent auditor appointed to audit their trading account and request a copy of their Swyftx account for auditing purpose

Guarantee voided when:

  • Trade non Academy Trades
  • Breach of the Financial Safety Policy
  • Trade less than 24 days

We are not liable for any losses should they breach

Income Assurance

Pro Plus++ and income assurance is for a term of 12 months.

Members can upgrade assurance level at any time the term of the assurance is reset for a new 12 months

If the income assurance has not been completed by the 12 month term, the Academy will work with the Member until the assurance is met at no additional cost to the member.

Once the income assurance has been met and the 12 month term is completed – then the Member can continue on with a month to month subscription OR enter into a new agreement for another 12 months income assurance

Should the Member want to set a new income assurance agreement at a new higher amount – it is a new 12 month term and subscription services apply.

ACCOUNT SIZE                                              INCOME ASSURANCE

$5,000                                                                              $7,000

$10,000                                                                            $15,000

$20,000                                                                            $30,000

$30,000                                                                            $45,000

$50,000                                                                            $75,000

The weekly subscription service for the 12 month term of Pro Plus ++ is $59.95 per week by direct debit payment.

Once the $998 Membership fee is paid for Pro Plus++ the Member has Affiliate status and is eligible to receive an affiliate bonus of one (1) one months subscription services for trade alerts and indicators for every one (1) person that they refer to the Academy who joins either the Academy Program OR Pro Plus++ Program.

This is capped at 12 referrals for 12 months